International Forecaster Weekly

The Plan?

I realize that I’m not making points with many of the Democrats that simply enjoy investing and trading. I’ve stated my case about Trump for weeks, suggesting that he’s not Presidential, a bit Egocentric, brash, etc. I’ve also suggested that I was awful tired of his “greatest economy ever” baloney, since the economy has been propped up since 2008 with round after round of QE, and zero bound rates.

Yet I also feel that “Orange man” is the only thing keeping us from becoming a U.N. ruled, socialist outpost for the globalist elites. In other words, if your idea of utopia is the USSR of the 50’s or Venezuela of the 2020’s, then for sure, Biden/Harris are the puppets to bring that about. But if you’d like to try and hold up as a sovereign nation, Trump is our only chance.

Bob Rinear | November 11, 2020

I realize that I’m not making points with many of the Democrats that simply enjoy investing and trading. I’ve stated my case about Trump for weeks, suggesting that he’s not Presidential, a bit Egocentric, brash, etc. I’ve also suggested that I was awful tired of his “greatest economy ever” baloney, since the economy has been propped up since 2008 with round after round of QE, and zero bound rates.

Yet I also feel that “Orange man” is the only thing keeping us from becoming a U.N. ruled, socialist outpost for the globalist elites. In other words, if your idea of utopia is the USSR of the 50’s or Venezuela of the 2020’s, then for sure, Biden/Harris are the puppets to bring that about. But if you’d like to try and hold up as a sovereign nation, Trump is our only chance.

My intent isn’t to have Democrats hate me. But they appear to do so, because when I ask them questions, they refuse to answer, and end up calling me names. It’s really quite unique. But as is my wont, I will continue to ask questions, and yeah, some of them are hard to think about.

I don’t have the space here to write the novel that would be necessary to explain all the plots and twists that have occurred over the last 100 years, but there’s volumes of evidence that shows quite plainly that there’s been “plots” and planning for decades upon decades, by people (globalists) that want to take down the US. They hate us for our success. They hate us for our Nationalism. They hate us for what ever freedoms we still have. And, they’ve made their positions clear over the years.

From Saul Alinsky and his famous book  “Rules for Radicals” where he lays out the ways that “Organizers” can influence society  to change to their will, to the writings of the United States Communist Party that was established in 1919 and still functions to this day, there have been many influential people fighting to dismantle the US from the inside.

The globalists, the unelected blowhards that infest the halls of such places as the IMF, and the World Economic Forum, have very specific plans for YOUR life. It makes no matter that you didn’t vote for these creeps, or that their Idea of Utopia is a socialist pipe dream, they’re real and they’re coming. The following from “The Hill”

At a virtual meeting earlier in June hosted by the World Economic Forum, some of the planet’s most powerful business leaders, government officials and activists announced a proposal to “reset” the global economy. Instead of traditional capitalism, the high-profile group said the world should adopt more socialistic policies, such as wealth taxes, additional regulations and massive Green New Deal-like government programs.

One of the oldest adages is a simple three word phrase, “divide and conquer.” The idea of it being important in changing society, politics and war goes back thousands of years.  Divide and rule -- "Divida et Impera" -- said Julius Caesar, and since he divided Rome and "all Gaul" itself, no one ever contradicted him.

“Divide and conquer" is still key to warring strategies today, but not just on battlefields; political commentators note that the division of right and left political systems is splitting American politics as effectively as Caesar's war plans. Yeah? Well, maybe that’s the plan??

America as far as I’m concerned has never been this divided. Yeah I know about Kent State, the 69 riots, the Vietnam war, I lived through all of it. But as far as a collective, we are universally more divided right now on a social basis, than any of those times.  I think the over riding reason is that even the things to protest about, have expanded to so many hot button topics all at once, that it isn’t just white/black any more. It isn’t just pro war/anti war. It’s that and a thousand other issues, all tugging at our fabric.

As you know, people have lost their jobs because they used the wrong “gender” identification on a co-worker. We’ve got 89+ gender descriptions now. Who knew? Yet some subset of people will rally and fight for that. Black/white tensions have been with us for 200 years. Just when it seems like we’re finally “burying that hatchett” It gets gasoline tossed on it and now it’s worse than 69.

We’ve always had a tug-o-war between the environmentalists and business, especially manufacturing. That’s been amped up to where now, there’s the “new green deal” that mandates taxing meat products, because raising meat, causes emissions. Using fossil fuels, is seen as a sin worse than murder. The WEC says we have to do without luxuries if it helps end using oil.

I could go on and on, but my point is clear. “They” whomever you wish to label “they” want the people of the United States at each other’s throats. Totally divided on sexuality, environmentalism, racial issues, political issues, historical issues, reparations issues, and you name it.  I suggest, they’ve done one hulluva good job at it too.

So now we’ve had this election. The media called it for Biden before many states even shut down polls, some when Trump was still winning the state! But interestingly, by midnight Tuesday it was clear Trump had won.  That is, until the mystery’s started. The 4 am  ballot dump. Whistleblowers saying they couldn’t get in to observe, Postal workers claiming they were ordered to backdate late ballots, video captures of CNN where in one second, Trump loses 19K votes and Biden gains 19K votes. County officials coming on record to say their machines glitched and gave 5K Trump votes to Biden, and on and on.

Now there’s all manner of lawsuits flying. Obviously this is going to end up at the Supreme Court. Which brings up a couple very interesting questions. Let me explain…

I’m just Bob. I’m a personal investor/newsletter writer. I have downloaded onto a segregated hard drive, maybe 30 examples of “in your face” examples of either incompetence, or outright fraud.  Well, if some 63 year old desk jockey can amass 30 worthwhile examples of something terribly out of whack, imagine what the Trump campaign has.

Now, if I’m right and they’ve got hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits, videos, whistleblowers, etc, it seems reasonable that the Supreme Court will have to make a ruling. Especially since just Tuesday, AG Barr began a "Widespread Probe of Substantial Allegations and Statistical Voting Anomalies” I think he’ll find even more.

There’s dozens of analytics that suggest that the way Trump went from winning the contested states, to losing them, is statistically impossible. Hundreds of thousands of ballots only had a vote for Biden, no one down ticket. No one. Odd, eh? 

So here’s my question. Since the ruling elites want division, since they love Americans at each others throats, are we watching a scripted play here? Don’t say yes so fast, I might have a twist for you. Common thinking from the so called conspiracy people is “The voting machines and the mail in ballots were rigged for Biden. But Trumps lead was so big by midnight, despite the machine “glitch” rigging and funky mail in votes, they halted all counting in 7 states and then they “produced” hundreds of thousands of Biden ballots to pull off the come back win.” 

On the surface, you can think nothing else. Every single “glitch” always goes to the Democrats. Every time. And can someone explain to me how a candidate can have X amount of votes at 7:35 but at 7:38 he’s lost 19K votes and the challenger gained 19K votes? So the optics of ALL this looks like the paragraph above. They tried the rig for Biden, Trumps tally was more than they expected, so they had to kick into gear their back up plan. Okay, makes sense.

OR… could it be, and yes I’m simply tossing spaghetti on the wall, could it be that this was scripted to go to the Supreme court and get overturned?  Consider it for a minute. If what they want is Americans divided and conquered, if they want riots, looting, civil war, what better means could they use than to plan this out? Think about it for a minute.

They laid the plans for months. “Covid bad, stay home, don’t vote, use mail in ballots!”  Over and over we heard it. They knew that Trump had momentum, he had those monster rallies, boat parades, car parades, etc. I think they KNEW they could NOT win this election and they knew that the level of corruption they’d need to pull off a steal, would be too obvious.

What if the plan then became… “we can’t win this, but we’ll do all manner of illegal crap to make it look like we won? The media will cover for us, and half the country will be rejoicing that the “orange man” is gone. Over and over we’ll tell the world that Biden won. There will be celebrations in the streets.  Meanwhile, Trump will get evidence that we cheated and take it to the Supreme Court, you know the one with Barret on it now. They’ll give Trump his win. “ 

The left would literally head explode. We’d see riots and marches and burning like never before. The country would become so much more divided than it is even now, that the globalist elite socialist scumbags would be the ones dancing in the street. Nothing makes them happier than Americans shooting Americans. Violent marches into urban developments, vitriol and screaming.

Sound crazy? I don’t think so. They couldn’t just let Trump win it, because then their whole agenda of “orange man bad, no one likes him, he’s the worst President ever, he’s a racist, he’s a homophobe, he’s a xenophobe, etc” would be shot. Hell, if Trump just simply won, the entire “left” argument goes down the tubes.

BUT… if they can make it look like HE (Trump) truly lost the election and then has to use the Court to take the win, the same court that he appointed people to, they can use that as fodder for years to say Trump STOLE it from Biden!! He packed the court! He’s illegitimate!

I know it sounds a bit too far fetched at first, but if you run it around in your head for a bit, it actually makes perfect sense.  Now I’m not saying I know that’s what happened and certainly I could be suffering delirium fits. I just figured I’d share a scenario with you that seems to fit what we’re seeing.

I still believe that in the end, Trump wins this. It will be a “sucky” win however. Half the nation will still hate him, Americans will be more divided than ever. But maybe, just maybe, he can get a few on the left to finally understand he’s not the Orange man bad, they’ve made him out to be. Or not.